Increase price for Vandersteens


I see the price of the Vandersteen 2 and 3 models went up recently.

I know Vandersteen does updates/refinements to his speakers and does not always advertise the changes.

Im curious if updates are responsible for the price increase?

He's been doing some big upgrades in both over the last year or so I believe. Newer trickle down drivers that really make them sound better.
Materials, labour, overhead ... You name it .... It all goes up eventually even in a low inflationary economy. You should expect it.

I would only be worried if the prices started to go down. Putting aside any thoughts of downward price changes with an erosion of quality (this is quality kit ) from the typical cheap POS Chi-fi race-to-the bottom-price race,

That is when deflation hits and catastrophic economic fallout commences. Discretionery spending in deflationary times nosedives. High discretionery items like audio equipment sales cratering triggering the demise of the suppliers will be high on the early casualty list as their sales quickly start to circle the drain.
I'd love to know what kind of business that uses significantly researched and proven intelectual property , quality materials, domestic labor all housed in North America where operating expenses do not go up annually.