Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update

In case there are any Denafrips DAC owners out there that are not aware of the FPGA Firmware Update, here's the link:

I did the update on my Ares II earlier today and am currently enjoying the results.  It is definitely an improvement without question.


Maybe i missed it, is it possible currently to revert to the original firmware if needed? ( I have been sitting on the fence w.r.t the Venus update.)

@deep_333 - Yes, Alvin provides a link to the original firmware as well as the new updated firmware, so you can switch back if you aren't happy. 

Post removed 

So for those that have updated the Venus II and have some time on them what are the changes to it? Any downgrade at all, excessive brightness or  sibilance?

Yes, as with all Denafrips DACs -- give the new firmware some weeks to fully burn in. No joke!

I was hoping for a bit more transparency, maybe better bass control and soundstage improvements if any.

All true and there. It is really a new DAC -- not entirely better in every department, but sure worth a try. Once you set up your computer, you can flash back and forth the firmware as you like - I spend several evenings A/Bing the both versions available for Venus at the moment.