My 'go to' Audio EE, who has designed and built a selection of my systems devices, and carried out circuit corrective works on another owned device.
Made it known to me in the very earliest days of out relationship, to always have eyes on the devices in use, to Power Off after use and revisit shortly after Power Off for peace of mind.
This is a discipline maintained to date, which was first strongly suggested over 25 Years ago.
This advice even though extremely valuable, is seemingly the anti-thesis of the description being given of how another EE is endorsing certain paractices.
On the matter of early component failure being realised through heat fluctuations is surely a case of stepping over $'s to pick up Cents.
I lost my home due to an electrical fire occurring, as a result of being foolish and try to prolong the life of a devices components that might only cost a few cents to replace once spent.
All Cap's, Resistors, Switches are going one way, and that is spent as a usage life. Ask a EE.