Speaker recommendations :-)

Hi there good people 

In short, wanted to hear your ideas. I am into jazz and acoustic music and this is my equipment list, maybe it will help. Listening room is around 50m2 of area.  At this moment i dont have speakers, sold last one already. ( Wilson Sophia 3 ). 

Lamm M1.2Ref. monos,  

Lamm LL1.1. preamp ,

Lamm LP1 Phono. 

dCS Apex Vivaldi Dac + Cd+ Clock + Upsampler

Turntable: Chronos Pro


I am not looking for the “best speakers in the Universe”, just wanted to hear some ideas , maybe they will lead to new  interesting synergy of my system.


Thank you for your time :-)





How about Lansche 5.1 with plasma tweeter available in Germany?


I had been happy with Lansche 4.1 from 2006 to 2001.


After being with Scaena 3.2 for a while, I am back to Lansche to find out that it give better female vocal with more details..



JBL L100 Classic Edition speakers sound better than the Revel Salon 2 speakers???  Please, give me some of what you're smoking!!!  You can't be serious.

"JBL L100 Classic Edition speakers sound better than the Revel Salon 2 speaker????????"  Please, give me some of what you're smoking!!!  You can't be serious!!!

I've been through several of the $20-30k speakers the last 7 years and its fair to say I didn't devote money to components for each pair I tried, they eithe worked or didn't work with my hegel h360 or later h590. That out of the way there's some speakers that go by the textbook and others that follow what the designer decided is the most important aspect of reproduction and some speakers, say Paradigm Persona 7f that are so amp sensitive their personality can be tailored. I still love Vienna Acoustics for Jazz, but admit to needing a dedicated system for more varied music listening.

Vladimir Shushirin of Lamm always used to demo his amps with Kharma speakers and Purist Audio Design cables. So that's what I would try first.

Lansche suggestion is interesting.

In any case, choice of speakers is a very personal one. 
