Traveling never going to happen??? need advice

Greetings, my question friends if you fell in love with a pair of excellent condition very heavy 130lbs. each floor loudspeakers would you drive say 1,500 or more miles to pick them up saving tons of money on shipping and also, knowing they will be perfect once you get home. The point of this forum how many audiophiles, would actually do the drive, I have been trying to sell my Andras, without success for near 6-months!! I have no shipping crates. Thanks for reading any help, or advice I would so appreciate it... anyone else have this problem??
It's hard to fall in love with speakers that are 1500 miles away. They would have to be playing pretty damn loud for me to hear them and fall in love with them from 1500 miles away!

I would consider a trip of that sort, but how would I know that I love the speakers, if I haven't heard them in my listening room. If I have them in my listening room, I don't need to drive 1500 miles.
And I would know that when the time came, they will be very difficult to sell...
You don't need crates, you can pack them in cardboard boxes lined with 2" styrofoam and tightly strapped to a skid. 1500+ miles is way too far for most people to drive, myself included. We have passed on items where the seller wasn't willing to ship or help with arrangements with a shipping company but I will fly out to inspect the items prior to payment.
If I really wanted the speakers I would drive, yet 1500 miles is a long trip. David's comments above are good too.

Good Luck probably already have, but as been mentioned here, I would see if you can't buy the crate or box from the manufacturer themselves. I had the same situation with a pair of Avalon's and they sold me a brand new crate, it was not cheap but once I got the crate, I was then able to sell the speakers. But, now at a much larger ''loss'', but they sold. As also mentioned, the buyer may eventually have the same problem and I'm sure will come up in the overall price negotiations.

I don't I would drive