I know precisely what you are indicating, and I know the answer.
I happen to like that song as well, and I often play it on systems to determine how much high end energy a rig is producing. If the piece is too piercing I know I have to adjust the system.
It is an older, not so well recorded album, a product of its time. It will never sound the same as recent recordings, and will always carry higher upper end energy. I do not suggest lowering the definition of any system - ever. Instead, work to achieve a beautiful tonality, which you can get through selection of components/speakers/cables. You may love tubed audio gear, and I suggest you consider, at least initially, a soft dome tweeter in a speaker as they are generally considered more forgiving in the Treble (high frequencies).
You need to trust me on this; to move toward better sound you must seek more definition, not less, than a boombox. Extreme systems have amazing detail retrieval, but are not harsh, even with less than perfect songs. However, you will need to "adjust" the system to suit your ears. When you have done so, the sound will be far more pleasing in every respect.