805D4 Cosmetic Issues

Damaged parts


Normal parts




I have the following issues with my recently purchased 805d4.


The woofer housing appears to be scratched or has a poor finish.


I have requested an exchange.

The local dealer and the importer are giving me negative answers.


What is your opinion on this?




I have known the B&W brand for years , the inspect and pack each speaker in their 

top range which your speakers are ,anyone with half a brain 🧠 brain would inspect the polished head and see this defect , this should have been rejected at the plant and repainted. No driver ever should have went in there , this is a disgrace .

I would send these literally 3-4 emails to B&W U.K ,as well as the distributor 

how long has this been ? You needto act on these NOW.

how did you pay for these and how long ago ? Never put anything on layaway ,why you loose the 90. Day claims with credit card companies .  We cant help you if you don’t explain  these could be fakes also , I have never seen this condition ever in any stores or homes .

@cfarrow @uncledemp @audioman58 

I received a new communication today.
The dealer spoke with the importer again and it looks like it will be an exchange and they will let me know for sure tomorrow.
I wish I could tell you about the dealer, but this is Korea, so I don't think I can help you choose a dealer.
I will update you on the progress tomorrow.
If the exchange doesn't work, I'll try the method you mentioned.
Thank you for your help.

Time is of the essence , how  did you pay ? PayPal or stripe is preferred

if not your credit card , and if in North America Never buy out ofthe country 

unless direct , even that you are not protected by U.S laws.  They need to send you tracking you can confirm , and a return FedEx shipping label .

you should not have to absorb any loss.  You must have got a Big discount 

go to B&W website they will tell you how much they weigh shipped .

I would also send B&W Now 2-3 emails with serial numbers and pictures 

and call them direct . On something over $5k I would be calling within 24 hours 

don’t become a victim call the U.k now they are 5 hours ahead ,I lived them and owned a Audio store there for years . Trust me Don’t wait be proactive !!

Always document everything.

When I received my KEF Reference 5’s,  I took pictures of the boxes on the skid, the boxes by themselves and the speakers out of the box.  A tweeter went out and I had to ship the whole speaker back for the repair and when it came back, there was a foot long crack in the finish.  I took pictures and sent KEF before and after pictures and after a lot of back and forth, KEF is supposedly are making me a new set of speakers. Haven’t received them yet, but I have no reason to doubt,  yet.

All the best.