Aurender Users

Hi, I don't know if this has been answered before but I want to ask Aurender users a question.

I'm thinking of buying an Aurender N200 but I can't find a dealer to test it.

For me the most important thing is to be able to discover new music. In the Condutcor app, if you listen to Tidal, does the app give recommendations for similar songs or artists? does it have a "radio" function like Roon?


“Someone asked about whether or not Roon will ever make it to Aurender? 

ANSWER: They said that with the new line that utilizes Intel instead of AMD, that they are working on a Roon Ready status for Aurender. It won’t be able to run as a Roon Core, but the current generation, will hopefully at some point, become Roon Ready in the same way that so many other devices are Roon Ready.  

They still feel that Conductor will sound better because it’s purpose built precisely for the Aurender hardware, but it does seem that Roon will become a viable option on the Aurender platform.  It won’t work on the older AMD centric Aurender lines, only on the latest releases”. 

For more info, please search on does Aurender support Roon   I hope this help   


I thank Juan from @blisshifi  for suggesting and supplying my Aurender N20.  I’m not fully aware of the differences between my streamer and the ones below and above, but short of hearing the various models back to back I’m pleased with what I  have.

Conductor does fall short of the Roon UI, but I have only found one issue with Conductor and this might just be due to my lack of understanding.  The search within Conductor is simple and you can search within certain categories such as artist, album, or song.  This works great for music that isn’t recorded by tens, or hundreds of different groups, people..etc.  So, a short time ago there was a thread asking what recording had the best soundstage.  Unfortunately, especially with popular classical pieces, searching for the “song name” can result in many performances.  How can I search for a particular performance/recording/orchestra/conductor using the app Conductor?

@vonhelmholtz I realize I never replied to your direct inquiry to me on this in the past, my apologies. Yes, sometimes the categorization makes it seem hard to find complex pieces like that. That said, you can do song names that include the orchestra or conductor name as well, and it typically still brings up results. You are not limited to only using song names in the search under Songs. I do this all the time with non-classical music as well.

@vonhelmholtz, If your "Conductor App does not provide searching capabilities for a particular performance/recording/orchestra/conductor using the App Conductor, please send Aurender an email requesting this capability. You should include some reasons why this search capability is important to you.

please send your email to

It is very important for Aurender have your request for Conductor App capabilities so they can consider adding it to future release upgrades.

BTW, Aurender Customer Support might have an answer to your search request with the existing version. I do not know.

@opm, please see this link for Conductor App Internet radio information:

Please see this link

it explains Conductor Playing and Browsing Internet Radio Content