How cam Morrow Audio keep offering 45%-65% discounts for trade-ups?

Not only that I get weekly emails about sales. Lately titled "Christmas in July".

I’ve done the trade-up a few times, but I’ve got to say, I can’t fathom how they can profit with discounts as huge as those.

Are they selling off used stuff as new?

 Another thing, has anyone dissected a cable to see what's in it?

Ag insider logo xs@2xmpathic8

 No way they sell trade ups as new.  They have a used site and seem like an up and up retailer with the inflated MSRP game. Downside selling used as new is too high risk for their business…


Click on products menu then clearance menu .  It doesn’t appear  they get many trade ups with the number of listings they have posted.  Who knows?

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