Does the Transport make a significant difference?

Had been running a squeezebox with my Audio Note 2.1 Dac. Tried my basic Oppo dvd player as a transport and yikes what an improvement - even over my $3,000 invested Modwright Sony player (a little rough round the edges but dynamic and live-ly sounding). So wondering if the mantra of having a great source is the best place to start ... ie matching the Dac to a quality transport say CEC TL 51 or open the vaults and spring for a quality Audio Note, Esoteric, or even dcs transport will be worth the investment. How does this compare with say upgrading your amp or speakers or even cables? I know I should listen for myself but any good experience out there to draw on before I start getting crazy about checking out the used adverts?
I agree with you doug cd transports do make a difference in the quality of sound that you can get out of a dac. Even if your dac does a good job at eliminating jitter. I have an ensemble transport and hi dac i hooked up mid-fi my pioneer elite blue ray digital out to hi-dac and their was a night and day difference in quality of sound. Doug i have bought the paradigm active 40v2 and nht xd system based on your reviews and love both just wanted to say thanks and keep writing reviews for us audiophiles. Jerry
He claims that the only way to get real piano sound is to use headphones because crossover does similar thing.

You can use active speakers to eliminate that issue, which John Siau should be aware of. One of his customers bought 7 Benchmark DAC1's for his studio and uses them with active type speakers.

FWIW: I agree with Doug that the sound of a given transport with built in DAC may be preferred to a jitter immune DAC (and vice versa) - but that is not what I meant. Sorry but I may not have ben clear enough.
Usarmyvet91, thank you very much for the vote of confidence in my reviewing. may want to thank Doug SCHNEIDER, because he was the one who helped you, not me. I really would have if I had known. Now, if you read my reviews of the Eminent Technology LFT-8B's or Legacy Focus HD's and buy them, then I'll be happy to accept an accolade! I hope you don't mind if I keep writing reviews as well. :)

So, everyone's happy now! Good!
Shadorne - I was under impression that we discuss sonic differences of different transports with the same DAC and not comparing DAC with stand alone CDP. At least that was the purpose of the thread and my reply to Douglas statement below:

"In my article I point out that a jitter eliminating DAC (the Benchmark) can help raise the performance of the poor transport, but it will not make it the sonic equivalent of the finer transport. There are still fundamental sonic differences. The distinction between them becomes even more profound in higher end rigs, even if the same jitter nullifying DAC is used. "
My bad doug you review for dagogo. I get you to mixed up and yes i do enjoy your review also.