Does the Transport make a significant difference?

Had been running a squeezebox with my Audio Note 2.1 Dac. Tried my basic Oppo dvd player as a transport and yikes what an improvement - even over my $3,000 invested Modwright Sony player (a little rough round the edges but dynamic and live-ly sounding). So wondering if the mantra of having a great source is the best place to start ... ie matching the Dac to a quality transport say CEC TL 51 or open the vaults and spring for a quality Audio Note, Esoteric, or even dcs transport will be worth the investment. How does this compare with say upgrading your amp or speakers or even cables? I know I should listen for myself but any good experience out there to draw on before I start getting crazy about checking out the used adverts?
My bad doug you review for dagogo. I get you to mixed up and yes i do enjoy your review also.
Shadorne - I was under impression that we discuss sonic differences of different transports with the same DAC and not comparing DAC with stand alone CDP.

That was the way I understood it too. It doesn't matter anyway as I am quite happy if we all understand each other in the end - and I think ultimately we do. My english/spelling is not great and I rarely double check my quickly written posts. I think in equations/math more easily which is why I am quite comfortable with listening to digital and more interested in the technical rather than aesthetic side of this hobby ;-)