I’ll keep this short. So my last post was about a tube arc. Took out a resistor on one of my Audio Research Ref 750s. I replaced the resistor and put in a matching KT150. My question is how can I avoid this from happening again.
@tattooedtrackman I see what you did there a 'short' is why a tube arcs...
Anyway there is nothing you can do to actually avoid this but you do have good advice as to how to minimize it. The thing is, bad tubes gonna arc and age has nothing to do with it. Sometimes shipping is an influence and other times the tubes are simply bad and fail regardless. What I'm saying here is a tube might last 2 minutes or 2 years; there's not much way to know which, other than vetting the tube as best you can.
ARC amps use a sacrificial resistor because if the resistor was rated to not fail, Bad Things would happen elsewhere in the amp that would be a lot more expensive to repair!
A fuse of course could solve the problem. They could be a lot easier to replace than a resistor. An LED could light to show the bad fuse...