Interesting blog. I have had a SA7S1 since 2007, one of the first in Europe, +1000 hours of playing. It was good in my system but not magic. After I went for the preamp SC7S2, keeping my Denon POA 6600A as amps.Interesting but not magic. and 2 years ago I bought two MA9S2. So full marantz high end. Driving "simple" BW 805 Signature bi wired "vertically" + / - ; not treble/medium.
I know perpeptions are perceptions and I must say that the local has a HUGE impact, so we should compare SA7S1 more with 2 or 3 good headphone amps and Grado PS1000, HD 650/HD800, Stax and others...This SA7S1 may be not as best as multi elements ( drive, dac, clock etc) from DCS ( new one using VRDS drive) or off course Esoteric with extra clock, or Zanden (not exhaustive). SA7S1 is very neutral, may be too much. I have also 2 x300 B push pull (18W) , off course a very nice sound but not the subtility of MA9S2...Be just sure that SA7S1 can not be "accuse" to be too smooth. Piano bass are just unbelievable (remember my 805 Signature) and the "tension" on music can be just impressive. Marantz developp this full ensemble for driving at first BW nautilus as in Japan, Marantz imports B&W. cables, local and companions have a lot of impact on the perception of SA7S1, but - as a one element player- it is probably one of the best with Nagra, Ayre and some others I didn't listen.I can just say that with full Marantz and BW Nautilus, on classical music and jazz, SA7S1 provide sound very close to what you may heard in "reality". But off course full neutrality will never exists, it's just trying to be close too.I love Hovland amps and preamp, but it's true that for a long period the top end of Halcro is a bit better, but Hovland is a bit more convivial, friendly. Marantz full system is a good approach of music, very subtil and this subtility drive you too the fact that alfter long listening you are still surprising by a CD that you may know very well. For wine lover, it's close too a Burgandy Chardonnay Montrachet or a Burgandy Pinot noir Grand Echezeau 2006 from Domaine Romané-Conti. You may miss it at the first time , even the second time...Be patient...Eric from Paris France