More CD Player selection woes

I'm looking to replace the "weak link" in my system: A Denon DCD-1560 CD player. While its held its own over the years (being a 20-bit player and all), it is time for it to go.
I find my Well-Tempered Classic TT, EAR Phono Amp, and Grado cartridge to be my preferred setup, but I do want a CD player to come close to that sound. Of course, budget is all constraining so I need help deciding between a NEW Cambridge 840C; or one of those Chinese tube player; Cayin CDT 17A or Shanling etc.; or a USED/DEMO McIntosh MCD 201; or Meridian 208 (if I can find one).
Has anyone had experience with the Chinese models? How do they hold up?
Any help will be appreciated.
ebuzz Like all things in life nothing is certain. I did my homework, stared at photo's of the inside of equipment I was interested in (thanks to 6moons) concluded the engineering and construction looked good. Perhaps I have been lucky so far but I assure you my equipment is run daily and after 18 months everything is holding together. The stock market has forever altered the way I view long term reliability. In other words go short .......go long? To me it doesn't really matter as long as it works now and puts a smile on my face.

Dave. Thanks for the tip. I will give it the Billy Taylor test...
Making sweeping generalizations (at best) or displaying a personal bias against products because of place of origin and without having actually tested most of the products you disparage is unacceptable.

I agree you absolutely cannot generalize about quality control in audio electronics with dog food, babies milk, chocolates and now eggs. ;-)
Agree with Dopogue.
I have owned Stibbert tube,Lector,Cayin sacd50T which was very nice amoungst others.I have had no problems with my Raysonic-128 fully modded and prefer over all the the previous but that is just my opinion.It is very smooth with great authority and detail.

Best of luck to you in your search.

I purchased a MHZS 88E after reading about it on Arthur Salvatores web site. I purchased mine direct from China. They can also be purchased from Pacific Valve out of Seattle. The Grant Fidelity CD-427 appears to be the same unit, just rebadged. I took the risk by not buying in N.A., it was less than $750 delivered to my door and it has worked fine. I can't say the same for a headphone amp I purchased but died after 20 minutes.

I have been happy with this unit. It does not match vinyl playback with a good album but but a good CD does sound good.