Herbies tube dampers

Has anyone used Herbies tube dampers ? Can u share your experience with them. I want to change my 6 stock 6H30 dampers on my Audio Research Ref 6SE. I was also thinking of putting them on the power supply tubes 1) 6H30 and 1) 6550. Would this be a good idea ? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Interesting, I have had Herbies tube dampers on my input tubes for years. But based on this thread, I just removed them, and I think, there is a little more sonic life in the music without them.



agreed. In my experience (I tried Duende Criatura, EAT and several others whose names I forgot) anything that touches the tube around its glass bottle ultimately dulls the sound. Two tweaks that seem to work: Mad Scientist Audio Tube Toppers and putting a 1/4in ball of Bluetack on the top of the tube. YMMV


Looks like the Mad Scientist no longer provides that product.

So, are you saying that a ball of blue tack on the end of the input tube helps? Hard to believe...


I use the Mad Scientist toppers on my WE 435 and the blue tack on 6l6GC and 300b tubes. Bluetack has excellent damping characteristics.