What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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@yyzsantabarbara yea older Krell products not in the same league and a waste of time. 
What’s your budget? If you wait also look at the new Gryphon Diablo 333 integraded.

@pennfootball71 the 2 most recent KRELL models I spoke of are the same as the KRELL 400i except for the lack of fans and the new 2nd order harmonics feature Krell talks about. The 400i also is more robust than the lower models and can even go down to 1 Ohm if your house can handle it. My issue is not budget (just work longer if needed) I am looking at synergy. I am wondering if the 400i is also very smooth on top like the XD models that it is based on. I know it is great but great and synergy with my speakers could conflict.

Gryphon is on the other side of my sound preference. At least what I heard in the past. My interest now after exploring a few Class D options are:

  • SimAudio North Collection 861 (available in Oct 2023)
  • T+A A3000HV (if it is as neutral as @blisshifi says, it also has a great dual zone feature that would allow me to sell a $7K headphone amp)
  • CODA #16 (get another one because it is great)
  • KRELL Duo 300XD (at $6k used, if I use it only in the office with the LRS+). The 400i was my first target but I am waffling on that due to potential sonic synergy issues with the Yamaha NS5000 speaker. The weight is also at the top of what I can safely carry up the stairs without banging into things.

I may also buy the KEF Blade 2 Meta in about 5 years when it is safe to do so. At the moment my house is crazy with too much running around that could knock over the Blade. The 400i would be a great match with the Blade.


@yyzsantabarbara...First of all it’s Aavik....not Aavrik....and quit comparing a 2K amp to a 15K amp... Compare your Coda to an equivalently priced amp. The Coda is overpriced...the Peachtree Isn’t.

@mbmi Have you heard the CODA #16? To my ears, it is one of the very best amps out there, and I have a feeling a lot of others feel that way. The CODA #16 is as good as the T+A HV, which I am considering today for my LRS+ and RAAL SR1a & CA-1a. The CODA #16 is also bit better than KRELL Duo XD which I owned. The same model I owned just came up for sale at a super low price, I may buy that instead. Cheap price must mean it is not so good? Good thing I have owned and heard the KRELL before to know better.

The best amp I have heard and owned, the AHB2, costs $3.3K new, but it is not as good on hard to drive speakers. But that top end is unsurpassed paired with the right preamp and speakers. Have you heard that amp? The CODA comes close to the top end of the AHB2 but not as good, but the CODA also has killer bass with hard to drive speakers.  If you have an easy to drive speaker the much cheaper AHB2 could be better. How could that be, it is lower in cost?

You have not heard a modded Peachtree GAN1? Your opinion is based on more money is better. Good for us, it helps keep the economy moving. The modded GAN1 amp is almost as good on my RAAL VM-1a headphone amp. I sold the RAAL amp today for $5k in about 4 hours after posting on Head-fi that I was selling it. Do you know how good the VM-1a is? People in the know on the phone community know the RAALs with the VM-1a maybe unsurpassed at ANY PRICE.

The Peachtree GAN1 and CODA #16 are almost as good as the VM-1a on the phones. On an easier to drive speakers that same comparison can apply to the GAN1 vs #16. How could that be the GAN1 is so much cheaper, blasphemy. Or could it be the totally different design of the GAN1 (and the mods)?

I owned and compared a $2.5k Yggi+ LM DAC with a $15K Lumin X1 streamer/DAC. When I added a fibre streamer to the Yggi+ it made the total about $5K. To my ears the Yggi+ LM stayed and the X1 went bye-bye. So again, cheaper was better. 

Quit giving advice on things you have no knowledge one. Remember what Mark Twain said on speaking out about things you know nothing about.



What the hell are you talking about....Confusing post.....you’re all over the place......no , I haven’t heard your CODA but I bet it’s fantastic.......MEH...end of discussion!