Herbies tube dampers

Has anyone used Herbies tube dampers ? Can u share your experience with them. I want to change my 6 stock 6H30 dampers on my Audio Research Ref 6SE. I was also thinking of putting them on the power supply tubes 1) 6H30 and 1) 6550. Would this be a good idea ? 

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Looks like the Mad Scientist no longer provides that product.

So, are you saying that a ball of blue tack on the end of the input tube helps? Hard to believe...


I use the Mad Scientist toppers on my WE 435 and the blue tack on 6l6GC and 300b tubes. Bluetack has excellent damping characteristics.

Ok. So here is my review on my Herbies tube dampers. Very high and unnatural treble on most of my cds. Will be sending them back for a refund.