Rockport Avior or Magico S5

Well I am selling my Verity SarastroII and looking at the Rockport Avior or the Magico S5. From what I am hearing the Rockport's are a darker presentation than the Magico's. Both seem to have great sound stage and depth. My Sarastro's I think are more like the Magico S5's and I am thinking of going in a different direction with the system.
What do ya's think?
I have tried EAR, Audio Research for tubes. The speakers sound different with tubes but still not the sound I am looking for. I am open to other speakers and will listen to others at the stores I go to. I have moved up the Verity line starting with the Fidelio to the Parsifal Encore, Ovation and the Sarastro II. I think it is time to try a new speaker and take the system in a different direction more to the music I mainly listen to, rock. I stayed with the Verity line because I felt they sounded very good to excellent with all the types of music I was experimenting with, but in the long run rock wins over other types of music.
I will not buy anything I cannot listen to first.
Hevac1, hope all is well, it's been awhile. I would never say the Rockports are dark. They do present things in what I'd call a very natural way...incredible detail and this draws you in with a wetness/density to each note I find incredibly life like.

Not sure what you're doing for a audio rack, other than the pics above, I'd suggest trying a dedicated stand - I think you'd be surprised what better isolation will reveal in a system like yours. Lot's a great advice above...

I take it your still loving your Nagra VPS...It's now the oldest component in my system-I've had the Nagra about 7 years now...other things come and go but Nagra just sounds beautiful.
If it was me, I would add stereo RELs to the Veritys. The dimensionality and scale that double RELs add to an existing excellent system such as yours is just this side of astounding. 2 S5 or G2 subs would be way less money than replacing your speakers, and the improvements would be huge.
i agree with the above posters. Your speakers have more soul than the Magicos. I cannot comment on Rockport as I have only heard them once and I cannot remember the model although, as I recall, I left very impressed. But with proper placement and ancillaries, yours are among the best speakers I've ever heard.
Agree with Charles1dad there is no substitute for auditioning both speakers yourself. They are both great speakers and have a lot in common. It'll all come down to a matter of taste. If you have the opportunity, go to Goodwin's High End where they sell both models, and usually on the floor for demo that you can play with a variety of gear.

FWIW, I own the S5s and absolutely love them to death.

You are choosing from two very good speakers. Good luck with your choice!