Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Aloha All!

Finally FINALLY!!! got my 2.7's coupled to the room properly and am now looking at room treatments and the 30-20Hz range.

I see a few folks using REL subs.  The low point for the crossover is 30Hz for the models that I have looked at.  In my experience that isn't low enough for my room/speakers.

I don't want to crossover the Thiels I want to extend them to 20Hz.

At this point it looks like something like REW and MiniDSP to a sub using the LFE input is the best option.

Anyone tried this approach with the 2 Series Thiels?

solobone22 - isn't it lovely when you dial in your speakers to the room?

I've never used any sub except Thiel's with the matching Passive XO. I learned a few things. The 'normal' input engages the room boundary circuitry, whereas (I think) the LFE does not. That boundary interface is magic. The bottom end of the 2 series is 4th order reflex, which is optimal for matching a 4th order low-pass / high cut on the sub. The 2.7's -3dB point is stated as 23Hz (can that be true?).

I'm speculating here, but since there is so little musical energy below 30Hz, I wonder how it might work with the 2.7 running free and the REL selected for as low as you can, even if above the speaker low limit.

I do hope that folks with greater sub knowledge and experience check in. You can use REW to graph the actual system output from 0 Hz. So at least you won't get lost.