What to pair with stacked Large Advents

Got stacked advents as my front speakers. Have a Luxman R-117 receiver. This system is for music only. I play hard rock music. What would be a good pairing for rear speakers with this system?
"Why not. For $300 find me a better sounding set of speakers and I'll buy them!" The Infinity Primus 363 They're easy to find, for around $300.00/pair. More efficient, more accurate, flatter response, cleaner mids, can play louder with much lower distortion figures, than ANY stacked pair of Advents. No nostalgia factor though(sorry). (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Infinity-Primus-Three-way-dual-6-1-2-Inch-Floorstanding-Speaker-Component-Brand-/121590422518?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c4f5a9bf6) A little over $300.00 on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Infinity-Primus-Three-way-Floorstanding-Speaker/dp/B0046A8R3M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426474305&sr=8-1&keywords=infinity+primus+363) Read the Amazon and Crutchfield customer reviews: (http://wwv.crutchfield.com/p_108P363BK/Infinity-Primus-P363.html?tp=185) Definitely not high-end, but- neither are Advents. Just good speakers, for the money.