Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


If you mentioned this in this thread already please excuse me for asking if already stated. 

What amp(s) are you using to run these power hungry speakers?

Have you compared the CS5 to any other Thiel speakers? 

I ask as I like to see if other users have the same experience/opinion(s) as myself. 

Finally what finish do you have?



My CS5s are Brazilian Rosewood.
Currently a Solid State Conrad Johnson Premier 350SA into 4 Ohms ~ 550 wpc
I am in Alexandria, Virginia now visiting Conrad Johnson discussing several system topics.
Keith and Jeff are not as concerned about the CS5s as are others but they do make Great amplifiers.
So they have convinced me that I owe it to myself to power the CS5s with my MV751A revised to current technology their best CJ capacitors hand modified by Jeff personally. Jeff is pretty darn happy with how they came out sounding. So bridged in Mono are very conservatively rated at ~150 wpc each.
You really do have to keep your ears open for any audible clipping and adjust accordingly, immediately!
But this is always the case, nothing new, when you get a new Organ or Drum recording you really need to familiarize yourself with the entire work at a modest level to help you make a max preamp  gain setting.
I have gotten carried away listening to organ recordings and damaged speaker drivers, just ask Rob at he always helps me get everything back on track and perfect !
I also have Thiel CS3.7 s and CS3.5 s with active base Equalizer ( my very first Thiels ~1983 )
So the very beginning of a long conversation.  This reply has taken longer that it should have because I am more verbal, conversation oriented than a typing word type of guy. I would enjoy chatting with you about our hobby and Love of Thiel loudspeakers. I can be reached at 802 999-1506 iPhone.
Enjoy, Urban