wadia ipod dock-- anyone find faults?

see good things but also see resales after short use. anyone care to comment on weaknesses?
Ecruz asked:

"You touched on a question that I had. How do you search and scroll while using the Wadia remote?"

It's really only a forward and back, play, pause and stop. You need to use the iPod wheel for large jumps. Someone needs to write a program for the iPhone to use it as a remote in this dock.

Kurt, so you're saying that the problem is with the lossless files, NOT the Wadia, right?

hi, I had an interesting conversation with the president of bel canto today and he shed some interesting light on this subject. the belcanto cd2 transport upsamples to true 24/96 out, and is then reclocked in the dac 3 resulting in very low noise and jitter, so that is why he felt that the cd2 was better than the wadia, also the cd 2 uses the pro-2 laser transport, one of the best in the world. some of the worlds most expensive cd players out there use the same transport, but cost alot more dough. maybe this is the reason why we heard what we did, maybe not , who knows ! happy listening , chrissain
Nice follow up Chrissain. That would explain a lot. Thank you very much for continuing to pursue what you heard and reporting to us.

That may also explain why I don't hear a difference, my DAC does the upsampling, not the transport. The Playback Designs MPS-5 uses an really fine Esoteric transport, but the upsampling to DSD is done in the DAC section, so my iPod/Wadia benefits the same from upsampling as my CD transport does.

If you still had the Wadia you could test further by using another CDP as a transport to feed your DAC and compare to the iPod/Wadia. I suspect that the difference would disappear. In your system, now that we know what's going on, it's easy to understand why you'd prefer the upsampling CD transport to the iPod.

Cerrot, thank you - at last, some aspects of this debate are starting to come into focus.

Some time ago when I was trying to be a pioneer with USB into USB compatible DACs, some pro audio guy looked at my like I was asking for 78 RPM records, saying that firewire was the only way to go, and the pro audio guys abandoned USB a long time ago.

Interesting that a year or two later, the new trend in "high end" audio seems to be USB direct into DACs.

I have had some success using USB but also experience drop outs as mentioned by Cerrot and a certain cloudiness to the sound at times.

If firewire is the way to go, then what computers/notebooks and/or software is that fastest way to achieve this?

In the meantime, I think I will sell my brand new, unopened Wadia dock....

Thank you,