Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?

As a long time audiophile I'm finally able to bi-amp my setup. I'm using two identical amps in a vertical bi-amp configuration. 

Now me not fully understanding all of the ins/outs of internal speaker crossovers and what not. I've read quite a few people tell me that bi-amping like I'm doing whether it's vertical or horizontal bi-amping is a waste since there's really not a improvement because of how speaker manufacturers design the internal crossovers. 

Can anyone explain to a third grader how it's beneficial or if the naysayers are correct in the statement?


Through my modified Signet floor standers, it is easily heard, the advantages of bi wiring and, passive bi amping. What a different set of characteristics, between running the system, horizontal vs. vertical. Using many different pairs of the same exact model amplifiers, I came down to really appreciating vertical. When going back to a single amp, things started to shrink, and collapse ( through the speakers, lol ). Over the many years of owning these, these Signets have bettered, ime, so many others. At this time, they are not in use...but they are one of my few audio products, I could never let go of. 🙂☹ My best ! MrD.

  • How come they don't design biamping amps that are both tubes for top drivers and solid state for bass drivers?

Maybe I begin to do this and make a lot of money

Phase: with ads 1230, only the ads 2000 biamp crossover  will work.

. This is because the internal and ads 2000 crossovers do something to the phase of the woofer . I used an external analog crossover and had some big holes in the freq response as evidenced by using an audessey rc equpped reciever .

I think the culprit was a woofer that was out of phase by 90 degrees.

I thought about triamping my Valkeryie speakers which scream to be triamped but to do it actively would require some serious surgery so I’ll likely “ dumb” Triamp thrm ( passive) and use an old av receiver .


@emergingsoul ....likely 'cause it's only a 'fringe' sort of thing that audioholics end up doing? ;)

It's the sort of thing that appeals to those that don't mind having the backsides of their rigs look like a incident in a pasta factory...😏

A amps and D amps together?!   Dogs 'n cats cohabitating?! OHmG....*LOL*

Likely the sort of thing I'll end up doing anyway....*S*

(...I'd keep the day job...mho, fwiw....amazing what flies these dayz....)