I've become a strong believer in the part that all frequencies play in such important factors as timbre, even, or maybe especially, those beyond our sensory capabilities. As was discussed earlier, the base frequencey of most any instrument or voice falls within even my upper audible range of about 8-9000Hz. Their associated and critical upper harmonics, though, will far exceed these values.
For this reason I'm convinced that their enhancement can be valuable to realism without, as far as I can see, much potential downside. I will be trying it then but I still need some guidance on their use. First, I've read that a x-over is necessary which I can understand if one decides to use ribbons for example. If one were to use piezoelectrics, though, they are LF limiting by their nature. I'm not sure they are the best choice though.
Anyway, my concern remains re the use of a crossover; I don't want the transducer panel robbed of any portion of the delivered upper frequencies so a crossover doesn't work in my way of thinking. As I also remarked on before, I see the piezo as a capacitor which if installed across speaker terminals, would tend to do somewhat the same thing. What I need to know, then, is it ok to simply attach the "super tweeter" w/o additional circuitry across the speaker terminals.
For this reason I'm convinced that their enhancement can be valuable to realism without, as far as I can see, much potential downside. I will be trying it then but I still need some guidance on their use. First, I've read that a x-over is necessary which I can understand if one decides to use ribbons for example. If one were to use piezoelectrics, though, they are LF limiting by their nature. I'm not sure they are the best choice though.
Anyway, my concern remains re the use of a crossover; I don't want the transducer panel robbed of any portion of the delivered upper frequencies so a crossover doesn't work in my way of thinking. As I also remarked on before, I see the piezo as a capacitor which if installed across speaker terminals, would tend to do somewhat the same thing. What I need to know, then, is it ok to simply attach the "super tweeter" w/o additional circuitry across the speaker terminals.