Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


many direct sale cable manufacturers and online stores offer free trials...

I use an audiophile AC cord for my blow dryer and my hair does have a certain luxurious sheen now. However, I did accidentally drop it in the bathtub and electrocuted my cousin...oops...

Wow! The level of misinformation here is shocking. Obviously many contributors here have never tried experimenting with power chords on a transport or CD player. 

 I recently bought the well acclaimed Jay's Audio transport, ($2500), and used a low current Shunyata power cord designed for Cd players and other non amplifier uses and it sound great! It is an amazing thing. Then switched to a PS Audio power cord and the difference was immediately better in every way. So much so my wife noticed it as well while wail on the other side of a large room. And this is just regarding a transport. Many audiophiles swear that power cords make a bigger difference than interconnects. I am becoming a believer of this and have been at this hobby for over 40 years. Including working in a high end HI-Fi store in Chicago for ten years where all we did all day is experiment with every kind of high fi component, cables and tweaks. A good high end AC cord bought used  from ebay or Audiogon for just a few hundred bucks can make a BIG difference in the right place in your system. I'm talking about a WOW! , that's sounds great kind of improvement. 

 I enjoy clean, clear vocals, tight full bass, soundstage, the sound of the venue, etc., but simply cannot hear 1/10th of what many here do.

I can relate to that, @chocaholic . . . enjoying good sound but not having the acute hearing that others here possess.  But I also think that although I cannot readily identify that I am hearing something, I am but I just don't realize it.  What I do realize is that I am enjoying listening to my system more, even though I don't know exactly why.  Of course this opens its own can of worms and the potential of many rabbit holes.