Replacing Veneer on ProAc Speakers

Movers seriously gouged the veneer on the top of one of my rosewood ProAc Response 1S speakers. I think it's too deep to refinish. Any recommendations for someone who does speaker restoration? It makes me ill to look at those wonderful speakers in that condition.
I'd look for a professional antique/furniture restorer or cabinet maker. Where are you located?
They're not your speakers any more, the mover now owns them. I'm sure that the brand new pair they get you won't have anything wrong with them.
I would agree with Zd542. I would not even try to repair them , but have the moving company pay for the cost of a new pair.
Take a picture of the gouge, use good lighting and a camera with decent close focus (macro) ability and post it online somewhere. I can tell you if it's repairable or not.

As long as the gouge isn't through the veneer, it can be fixed, thought not a simple job. The speakers would have to be stripped to bare cabinets, the gouged panel sanded until the gouge is gone and all other panels sanded to remove old finish, and then new finish sprayed. And to get a grain filled finish usually requires a total of 10-20 coats approx. depending on veneer species. And honestly you'd want to do both speakers or else the finish wouldn't match exactly.

Anybody is going to charge at least $500 to do all that, unless you have a buddy who knows what he's doing :)
If you could find someone to do that for $500 I'd consider you one VERY lucky man. Sounds more like $1,000 worth of work at least. However, I agree with ZD542 and others, the movers now own those speakers and you get the joy of picking out brand new ones...
