@eylai777 my biggest take away on XLR vs Balanced is that when I run XLR from DAC/Preamp to AMP's and put my ear up to my tweeter roughly 1" away I here far less hiss/buzz (with XLR I here nothing). This hiss/buzz isn't audible with RCA from my listening position (10' away) but when/if setting up your system and you're wanting everything to be at least "in theory" optimal, I would use XLR all the time, not matter the length of run when possible (my example is with 1m cables, monoblock and dual mono amps and 92dB speakers)
I've used a puritan 156 with connection cable and still didn't negate this and am presently testing unbalanced to balanced signal conversation options to see if. Also tried HumX at the mains wall AC (helps).
XLR is dead silent for me. I have listened for years and enjoyed my system with RCA, but now use all XLR.