Do NOT Blow Your Entire Budget on Two Channel Audio

Yes, two channel audio is here, and is not going away. However, object based audio is delightful, widely available on Tidal and Apple Music, and should be in the listening room of every music lover on the planet, not just "audiophiles. If you plan to be a music fan a year from now start building your object based audio system today. You will need:

1) A receiver/processor capable of Dolby Atmos.

2) A subscription to Tidal or Apple music.

3) A Firestick, ATV, or Nvidia Shield.

4) A minimum of 7 timber matched speakers and a subwoofer.

Once you experienced stereo would you ever go back to only mono? No, you would build a system capable of either mono or stereo. Now that object based audio has arrived do the same thing. Build a system capable of mono, stereo, AND object based audio. When Elton John heard Rocket Man in an object based format for the first time why did he demand to convert his entire catalog to Atmos? If you don’t know, then you need to go listen to Rocket Man in a good Atmos setup ASAP.

So, take your budget, DIVERSIFY, and get a good Atmos capable receiver or processor. Object based audio is NOT last decades surround sound or home theater. It is for MUSIC first, if you need a recommendation on how to allocate your budget feel free to post a question. Most importantly, you don’t NEED two systems, one for music and one for movies. A good object based audio system can play two channel music just fine. A two channel system on the other hand can’t play object based audio without a proper processor or receiver.

Greg Penny talks mixing Rocket Man in Atmos.



I gave up listening to movies through high end receivers decades ago. I haven’t invested into a streamer or any digital device other than a transport and PW Dac. I rarely listen to digital anything. So, why not? Because for me vinyl is still king, and funny thing; Vinyl preceded all these other formats by many decades. Interesting. 

If I had to drop stereo and had a choice of Atmos or high quality mono, I'd pick mono.  

This new object stuff is too artificial from the demonstrations I have heard. Probably not the technology, just what has been introduced.  Now, if you go back to the 60's and the research AR did on how many discrete channels it takes to actually provide a realistic 3D soundstage ( 16 if I remember) and figure out how to record them, let me know. It would also require a spec listening room which would make it useless to me even then. Still, I'd love to hear it. 

My HT is a 5.1. Small room so not suitable for more advanced arrangement. I don't mind the rears, but it is only a few movies where the surrounds are not fakey.  Not as bad as 3D video, but not far off.  All my other systems are stereo, or at least two channel as a lot of my music is R-L, not stereo.  Beatles anyone?  Yea,  on my desk I need to play with cross-talk some. Nearfield, close boundaries. Horrible imaging.  I winder what a Schiit Syn would do with a center above my monitor?

I have not experienced BACCH filtering. I'm not aware of any available product or what requirements it puts on the playback system.  I listen in my living room, not a special built listening room and I am not sure I want a laser tracking my head.  

PS: Audiophiles do have a budget.  When we were young, we were poor so that set a limit. Now we are older,  if we want to stay married.  

PPS: I did hear a reproduction, stereo, that was almost believable. If you closed your eyes, it was close enough to real it might fool some.  Upright bass, 2-mic to a Revox, played back in the same room on B&W/Levenson etc.  Best I have ever heard, but it was an un-mastered direct half track tape.  Circa 1980, so how far have we really gotten?   

I'd take high quality mono over mediocre stereo.  If I needed 7 speakers I could never afford the quality I can with just 2.  I also don't have the space or inclination for a digital processor that'll cost a lot, has a million functions that will break, and will be obsolete in a few years.  

I think the consensus re: budget so far is it is better to have fewer high quality components than many mediocre ones. Question, can you actually buy high quality components without an exorbitant budget?