Digital input amp

I see a few coming on market.  Previous threads were quite old.

They take a USB or other input. No DAC on the front end. Just the DSP engine to do volume, eq, etc, then whatever conversion to PCM to feed the class D output. So the only "DAC" is the output stage.   This makes sense as it further reduces the functions in the chain.  I have not seen objective testing or any reliable subjective testing. The ones I have seen are Infineon processer based. No idea if the output filtering or feedback implementation is up to the Purify quality.   I guess the next innovation is the GaNFET output.  One has a DAC to feed a sub out. Easy as any old $5 DAC will wo there. 

I was browsing and came across the Sajab A30a. ( quite inexpensive)  Peachtree has the old Gan-1 but coax PCM only.  That would be fine if it managed buffering and clocks internally. Unfortunately my all-in-one only has USB out. 

I suspect there is a lot to be learned here but it makes sense to me for the future. 


Of course the OUTPUT stage is an integrator. I said so from the beginning.  Gad how some here want to be so superior.  The entire point is this is a new technology worth watching as it changes the entire string. The Peachtree Gan1 does not have a traditional front end DAC.

I also got some comments from the local dealer who has heard this unit and they suggest it is not quite ready for prime tike. 

Post removed 


... Gad how some here want to be so superior ...

I think users here are just trying to be accurate. You choose to take it personally that your claim has been questioned:

They take a USB or other input. No DAC on the front end. Just the DSP engine to do volume, eq, etc, then whatever conversion to PCM to feed the class D output. So the only "DAC" is the output stage.

Gad my post was deleted, gads I questioned the OP credibility, Gads. 

I tried streaming to the GAN1 using fibre via a Lumin X1 and also a Sonore OpticalRendu. I controlled all of this via ROON. Not simple for someone new to digital but I have a lot of experience with streaming and software.

The GAN1 (modded) with the uber quality streaming I used was amazing.

Look at what Mark Levinson is doing with his new company, Daniel Hertz. This is likely the beginning of some great gear with much less components. Now that is not good for anyone in audio except the consumer.

The STOCK GAN1 is just very good. The mods make it jaw dropping good (as long as the 200-watts are adequate).