Curious if anyone has tried bi wiring 2 different speaker wires. If so please share your results.
I've did some experimenting with it and the results were always negative. You maybe do something like that if you need a band aid type of repair.

Cable Company sent me a box of speaker cables to try, a few years ago. When I use their loaner program, I usually pick some cables that I know I want to demo, and I let them pick a couple of pairs that they recommend. When the box came, I saw they sent me a pair of Synergistic Sig 10's. I don't follow Synergistic's products, so I had no idea what to expect. When I put them in my system, the CD wasn't even 30 seconds into the first track and I knew something was wrong. It was clearly audible that they put different cables for the highs and lows. It actually sounded so messed up, I called SR for a recommendation on what to do, and they told me that's how the cable was designed. Nothing was wrong with it.

So I say, if you already have some cables you want to experiment with, try it. It won't hurt anything. But I wouldn't waste any new money on it.
if those are the speaker wire pairs you are contemplating, then you bi-amp them ....not bi-wire ....full stop.
Akg plus 1 I only biwire to keep out the dust. It never really seemed to help, no matter what type of speakers I've owned. BiAmping is the real way to go.