Best Full-Function Preamplifier

Consulting the collective wisdom on the best preamp with built in phonostage (MM/MC). DAC not required but OK if it has one. Below $20K retail. Must be a no compromise solution--outstanding linestage and a flexible, great sounding phonostage that would not make you wish you had separates. Thoughts?


 I'm a vintage guy, the result of my Uncle's involvement, I guess. I happen to like my ancient SAE 2100L (I have the add on EQ and Parametric boxes all standing by and ready to go back in the game). I had everything recapped, cleaned, and tested about 10 yrs ago by retired SAE Tech. Now it's time to go record shopping.

I know,, as usual, of absolutely no help at all  🙄

used darTZeel NHB-18NS Mk1. includes a very fine phono stage. battery powered.

volume attenuation with optical couplers. Swiss built like a tank.

i owned the Mk1 version from 2006--2015, it’s awesome.

i believe the Mk1 can still be upgraded to the Mk2, but i could be wrong.

Dear @dodgealum : Essential 3180 that’s a true challenge for over 120K separates units like FM Acoustics or CH and better than Boulder or Dartzeel and the like. It's an active high gain balanced dual mono non-feedback fully discrete overall design with 2 totally  separates phono stages : MM/MC and second to none line stage.


@lewm that I think you know as a very well regarded Agoner owns the Essential 3160 and I hope he could chime here about and the interesting main issue behind the 3180 is that is a full-function design with the stages facilities you are looking for that comes with external power supply.

You can contact


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


If it was me, and I’d just won the lottery, the CH Precision C1.2 starting at $36,000 and the T&A SDV3100 HV $38,900 would be a couple I’d like to check out.

All the best.