Congrats @jshira on the gear purchase... You’ll love it all I’m sure.
Honestly the biggest regret you may have is that given the money you’ve spent and once you start listening to your system you will think about other gear and possibly other pieces that may have been "better" given your circumstances. Getting a great deal is always a huge win regarding HiFi, lessens the blow of off-loading things if you trade up for other items, but listening to and then buying said gear is another kind of rewarding experience that you inherently are missing out on. And this is also another major aspect of the hoddy side of HiFi, learning about different gear as you the listener learn about your own tastes and preferences regarding what you’re hearing.
You grow as your gear grows and again, you’ll love your set up I’m sure... but not as much as you’ll love the next piece of gear you end up getting after listening to what you have and parsing out exactly what particular sound you’re looking for.
Let people know your thoughts once settled... helps others along the way in their journey in this hobby.