Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass

Looking for the bookshelf speakers with the decent bass that would sound nice in 17'x 12' room. Listening preference:
Smooth/Uptempo Jazz; Acoustic Jazz and Ambiental music.
So far I am using Focal 807W Speakers and the NAD C356DAC.
Good sound, just missing "that" lover bass (hate sub woofers).
I really like how NAD sounds, especially after I replaced the
stock Pre/Amp jumpers. Nice open highs.
Or, should I try Floor standing speakers. Thank you in advance
on yours opinions.
Have not heard them . I assume they have a flat response being a monitor. So i will blindly say i like them !
I guess you're one of those spec sheet people. You should try listening sometime.
zd , what attributes do you look for in a bookshelf ? Hyped treble or overblown bass ?
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