Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET

Hi- I have Fire Bottle 300B on the way. Any info from an owner of one of these is greatly appreciated, and… has anyone placed a tube preamp ahead of it? I have a Rogue RP-1…

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmoose89

Yes. I thought I’d add the DH pre but I also have the First Watt J2…. Amazing match to the NAK pre CA-7A. Both Nelson Pass designs. 

I wish I could get a manual for my DH 300 B… I don’t know WHY there is a BIAS JACK hole, on the top of the amp, with no adjustment screw, and it’s a self- bias amp?

I'm enjoying this thread although getting in a bit late.  I owned a Cary SLA70 Signature for 15 years so also a Dennis Had fan.  I had been following Dennis' sales on eBay 4-5 yrs ago but was never was able to get in touch with him.  I wanted to see if he would ever build 300B mono blocks.  I ended up talking with Billy Wright at Cary and trading the SLA70 for a new CAD-300SEI integrated that I upgraded with WE 300B tubes. Not a mono setup but a beautiful sounding amp that is my primary headphone system.  More recently I purchased the QS Mid Monos so I could do some tube rolling.  I rotate the CAD 300 and Mid Monos along with a Pass XA25 and First Watt SIT3 between 3 systems, one of which runs Klipsch Belle speakers that I purchased new back in 1984.  All sound wonderful with the large horns which are modified with Crites stuff.  I'm currently looking for line stage for the mid monos.

@whiteknee you can get a hold of Dennis through the Audio Aficionado board. You have to pay to be a subscriber there but you can get get in touch with folks to order stuff from Dennis. There’s also a Cary Audio board there as well.  

@whiteknee just make sure you post on the Inspire by Dennis Had thread if you’re interested in a preamp from him. Search the main thread for preamp and you’ll see plenty of recent-ish posts about preamps.