Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Probably feel the need to match up with WPs numberings 7-8-? to stay in the game.. =)
How much does the power supply upgrade cost? Also, did ARC say if the majority of the improvement of the CD8 will be due to the power supply or DAC?
Seems like MK. is short for marketing.

It's no news flash that a larger, well executed power supply (followed by a good circuit topology) will merit better sound.
Lula, I have heard that the price will be in the $10,000 range and that the CD7 will be discontinued. If the sonic improvement is really that large it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against some of the much higher priced competition. The CD7 was already close to the top regardless of price.

Wsill, what did the power supply upgrade cost?
I spoke to Leonard at ARC; the new CD8 will be shipping next month and will be
$10K. The power supply upgrade for the CD7 is free of charge for original
owners, aside from the usual shipping both ways. However, the PS upgrade
which includes a change from the 2 6H30 tubes to 5881s is more of a stabilized
regulation than sonic improvement. Probably some improved dynamics. The
CD8 will have the new PS and a new DAC, but keep the same transport.