15ft x 13ft with 10ft ceilings. Large plush rug, GIK acoustic panels with Guilford of Maine acoustic fabric. Blinds on windows are down and made of wood, other decorative art on walls is dense fabric. Soon will have vinyl and CD’s etc on a wall shelving system that should soak up the early reflections from one speaker.
FYI, tested AQ Robin Hood Zero which sounded fantastic. Then just tried Nordost Heimdall 2 which also sounds fantastic but I cannot audibly tell a difference. For reference, I took some AQ bare wire 14awg and in excellent condition, and it sounded muddy and lacked detail. I know nothing about cables but it was pretty obvious. Wish I could try the transparent. I’m tempted to roll the dice for the Super or Plus cable given they supply Wilson.
I am absolutely blown away by how good the SabrinaX is.