Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Interesting. My hybrid CD7 also came with the dimmable display and LED indicator features so its looking like I did get a lot of CD8 parts after all. Sonically it is sounding even better with superior bass definition and extension, more neutral midrange with seemingly more detail and overall better soundstaging. In my setup from what I recall the standard CD7 used to bunch images a little at the center and close to the speakers. My unit spreads the image more naturally and seamlessly between and outside of the speakers so that it is easier to pinpoint each instrument's exact location (laterally, vertically and front to back )in the soundstage. So far ARCs description of the improvements appear to be right on the money as the CD8 should be even better (hard to imagine) in this regard.
My CD8 is now spinning the Purist Audio Design System Enhancer in repeat mode and I will wait at less 24 hours before listening to it. I just measured it and did a spectral analysis to be sure everything was correct and comparing it to the CD7 could find that the CD8 output level is 3.5dB lower, as I confirmed later from the respective manuals.
When comparing these units one must carefully match the volume, otherwise the CD7 is much louder!
How that translates into volts ?

BTW - 24h is prolly not enough. It took my CD-7 400h of continuos play to fully break-in.
The CD8 output is 1.8V RMS RCA and 3.6V RMS XLR .
The CD7 is 2.7 and 5.4V RMS respectively.

I am using the Purist Audio Design System Enhancer CD for break-in, so I hope that after 100 hours the CD8 will be listenable. I went through two CD7s and I still remember how disappointed I was when I replaced one with more than 1000 hours play by one taken from the box.

My perception after a few minutes listening is that the CD-8 is more detailed and has better bass definition - air moves faster - the fly at track 10 minute4'44'of Paniagua LaFolia is clearly heard!
What I've Learned: I spoke with Leonard at AR and asked him if this upgrade is a sonic improvement. He advised that it addresses a specific issue: if the existing two tubes in the power supply drift apart in their values this can cause noise. By going to a single tube instead of two tubes, this is eliminated. Because AR is covering this at no charge, I would imagine that they see this as correcting a problem.