Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
I suggest everybody to do the mod. All cd7 will show the problem if one of the two 6h30 drift from each other. The use of only one tube avoid that. On the sonic side canĀ“t say nothing, I did not bring mine for the last upgrade yet.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the CD7 does not upsample (like 8X, etc) and uses the Crystal 24bit sigma-delta DAC.

Does the new CD8 upsample? and is the Burr Brown 24 bit DAC a ladder type or a sigma-delta? Does anyone know what Burr Brown DAC is used (PCM1704, etc)?
To say that I had to pry their jaws off of the carpet is an understatement.
How many times have I heard "jaw dropping" hype like this before? ARC churns out upgrades as fast as anybody.