Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Last friday my CD 7 was upgraded by ARC Holland ( Europe ),I brought it in and after 2 hours all was finished incl. testing .Total costs NONE , service .Today I replaced the 5881 tube by a NOS GE 6L6GC , which tube was recommended by my local ( not ARC ) dealer .The sound is as Wsill described . Only no burn in time.I already replaced all the 6H30 by DR types.I think everything is better than it was before the upgrade .
Greetings from Holland , a happy CD 7 owner ( even the REF 3 and PH 5 )
Well mine CD7 finally is done too. Conclusion: I was listen to crap for the last 2 years. But different from most you guys I knew. My original CD7 was magical before the problem with the PS, after fixed (previuos upgrade) became just lifeless. Now it's back. I will listen for a week or two to check if it will match the original sound I had once.

Dynamics, extensions, details all raised but mostly now it's much more toneful correct and clean. It's sad ARC took so long to correct it.
I have had a chance to listen to the CD-8 for the first time this past weekend.

One thing I was affraid of was that the CD-8 will be brighter than the CD-7. It is not. It is much more transparent, but it is not brighter. It still has a lot of bloom and texture that made the CD-7 so special.

Compared to the CD-7, CD-8 allows you to hear much deeper into the recording, soundstage is deeper, there is more resolution and air, image outlines are much better delineated. CD-7 sounds as if it was a bit of of focus.
One thing I have noticed and mentioned many times before is that the sound of 6H30 tube based equipment is just not as musical as it's 6922 bretheren. In fact, almost any other tube based gear I've used sounded better than any of the 6H30 stuff I've owned such as the ARC Ref 3, CD 7, LS 26 and BAT VK D5 and Super tube preamps. The earlier LS 25 and ref 2MKII along with the VT100 and VT200 amps were Golden era ARC gear. The new stuff might as well be SS for me since it misses the tone color and sweetness of the 6922 based gear:O)