Used 804 N or S vs New CM10 S2?


I'm considering one of these speakers, but I'm unable to find a pair of the 804's to listen to prior to purchase, but have heard the CM10's extensively. On the used market, these speakers seem to sell for about the same price with the newer CM10's selling for just a bit more. Since it will be almost impossible for me to be able to listen to these speakers with the same system and A/B them, I'm curious if anyone else has done so.

I have seen a handful of threads online in various places, but can't really find any first hand experience. I know the freq response on the 804's is slightly lower and the bass is probably a bit tighter (even on an older speaker?), but my question, I suppose, would be more in a comparison of imaging/soundstage because the design is similar, but the tweeters are very different.

Any experience here would be greatly appreciated!
I heard the series 1 CM10s (driven by expensive ClassE separates) and thought them good. They stomped all over the Golden Ear Triton 2s that were also available for audition--much better timbral texture and depth, musical instruments sounded like musical instruments rather than an electronic version of same. In that room on that day they didn't sound bright to me. My hunch is that they will be much more livable in the long run than the 804s (which might sound better with exactly the right amplification, cabling, position, etc.)
Thank you for the continued responses. Since my first post, I've decided to go ahead and purchase a few additional items - these would be entry level but should be better than the Marantz for stereo and I will probably continue to upgrade items over time; an Adcom GTP 500 pre amp and a Rotel RCD 1072 CD player. I also have a ML Dynamo 1000 sub. My room dimensions are 12' wide X 30' long X 8' high so the sub was needed even when I had the CM10's hooked up through the Adcom GFA 555II to deliver some of the lower end...

If I can't audition a pair of the older 804's, I think the CM10 S2's might be a good bet, but would still love to hear from someone who has heard a side by side comparison!

Totally agree with this:

"Don't rush it. Well, at least to me the learning involved in each upgrade has been part of the enjoyment. "
Glad you agree with that phrase. Yet it does look like you are rushing it! :-)

So you bought th RCD1072. Very good unit. I had it in that Rotel setup I mentioned.
As good as it is, though, a stock Squeezebox Touch playing wav files from the same CD the RCD was playing sounded as good. But provided greater flexibility. Eventually sold the RCD and upgraded the SBT with a stand alone DAC.

So you use other sources, or envision doing so soon? Asked another way, why do you need a preamp? I do have one, but in my experience it takes a very good pre to surpass a good DAC with volume control connected directly to an amp. Of course this is not a general statement, though.

I thought you didn't want to spend more money, but you bought a pre and a cd player on the spot.
"I thought you didn't want to spend more money, but you bought a pre and a cd player on the spot.
Lewinskih01 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Yes, but he bought a Rotel 1072. Its a smart buy, impulse purchase or not.


I'm just curious, but have you considered anything else other than B&W speakers? You seem to be having a difficult time trying to build a system around them. There's plenty of other choices.
Well, I didn't get the CD player...I have started trying to figure how to get everything to work together - I thought maybe I would set up the system for stereo and just use the receiver for movies/tv/ least that's sort of what I'm thinking...I think what I will do at this point is get the new amp in and see how it goes. I really need to focus on the speakers as that's going to be the most significant change in sound for the system...

Thanks for the replies!