@soix ,
Yes, I hope when he decides, he doesn't 'loose' a lot of 'base'.
System advice
Haven’t been in forums in years. Previous audiophile that got burned out from audio fever of chasing the grail of audio nirvana. Previous system was Merlin VSM MXE with Ars sonum filharmonia with cardas golden ref cables. Interested in getting a quality 2 channel system. Requirement are full range speakers, integrated amp which can be tube or SS, and high end streaming device. No hard media will be used. I want this to be simple with fewer components/cables. Dac in amp or streaming device. Will be used in dedicated room that shares my HT. Will buy preowned from here. Typically listen to classical, jazz, crooners, acoustic. Budget 12-15k.
@soix , Yes, I hope when he decides, he doesn't 'loose' a lot of 'base'. |
Hey guys, sorry for not getting back. I’ve been trying to combine my old account, jamesw20, and this one. It’s not so easy to accomplish. Anyway, dedicated room in basement. Dimensions approximately 25 deep by 16 wide. Fabric on walls. Bass traps in all corners. This is also my dedicated HT space. I use triad in room gold monitors for fronts and center, triad in wall gold mini monitors for surrounds and rears, and triad platinum subwoofer. The system is also great for two channel but I’d rather have a separate two channel with full range speakers. The Joseph audio speakers look great and likely exactly what I’m seeking. Unfortunately, I don’t have a great local source to listen, and therefore would like recommendations as you all have made, and I can travel to hear them. Again, thanks for all the advice! |