Pindac, What I pointed is that in his interview posted on Youtube in Japanese but with English subtitles, Akimoto-san (inventor of the Viv Rigid Float tonearm) says his main goal was lowest possible friction. Hence the pivot floating on an oil bath. Just exactly why it is magnetic oil I still do not understand, but I would guess that he uses magnetic attraction to stabilize the assembly. Surprisingly, to me, he makes no mention of the underhang geometry in that short video. It might be interesting to note that when my son was conversing with Akimoto-san prior to my purchase, he asked my son why I wanted one. By this I think he was genuinely curious about the genesis of my interest.
As far as I am concerned, I plan to continue to listen to this tonearm and to compare various cartridges for performance in the Viv vs in one of my conventional pivoted tonearms, using the same turntable and the same system in each arm of the study. I’ll post my findings as they happen, but I am not interested in arguing with anyone about the basic principles involved. I have no reason to believe I could change anyone's mind, nor is that my main goal.