Bricasti M3 vrs Meitner MA3

Narrowing it down as we speak.  Listen t R&R only, around mid 80's low 90's db.  Stream qobuz via a Windows 10 based computer, (very satisfied) and Cd's. Have some nice equipment, to compliment the title pieces. Last minute post before dinner. If I've left anything out, I'm sorry. Hungry!  Have a Meitner MA1 -V2 DAC in another system, and LOVE IT!!!  This new piece for another system,  Probably be my last DAC, getting older!!!!!! For the difference in the Money, of course the Meitner is more expensive.  Does anyone have a suggestion or experience with both units????  I may add a streamer in the future, unknown at this time.  Any help would be much appreciated. If anyone has another Dac in that price area that they have experience with, that likes Rock and Roll, please don't hesitate.  Thanks,  Robert TN


Congratulations. Bricasti DACs have a good build quality. I used an iMac with Audirvana connect via ethernet when I first bought an M3. The sonic transporter sounds way better, either with upnp or roon. YMMV, but so long as we are spending your money...  Good luck. 

I'm looking forward to receiving the Bricasti unit. I will most likely hook it up via USB to my windows laptop to begin with. Would like to put  a few hours on it to compare it with the Meitner, it is going to replace. (love the Meitner, going into house in another system) Once I get a comparison I may explore the streamer in the Bricasti unit? Trying to get a feel for the change. If I have this correct, In order to stream I will hard wire an Ethernet into the bricasti port and also hard wire another into my lap top, that I have been using via USB. ( This will negate the need for USB) Someone  told me that I need to get an app or such??? So everything will talk to one another. Also, Is it possible to still use my laptop in my listening chair 15' away, hard wired via the Ethernet to choose my songs to play?  All this so new to me.  I read a couple of posts that list certain abbreviations, and was thinging back to chemistry class and the periodic tables,  LOL !!!! What does it all mean? Any help in how to do would be great. Not really interested in ROON, just want a simple way to listen from my chair using the new streamer. Thanks again, be lost without your guys help. Again thanks! Robert TN

OP you should have your dealer walk you thru all your options, that's what you are paying for! Also from what I've been told by not only my Bricasti dealer but by Bricasti themselves is that the Ethernet option is superior sonically to the USB option. Again confirm with dealer. Enjoy my M3 is just wonderful


Forget the laptop. The Bricasti sounds much better using the Ethernet connection. 
It is very simple once you get it down. Your dealer will walk you thru the process. 
Hardwire the Bricasti. On your phone/tablet download Mconnect or any other UPNP ( universal plug and play) app. Make sure they are on the same network. 
Subscribe to a music service. ( Tidal and Qobuz are very popular). When you open the app it will discover the Bricasti. You will then sign in to your music service and you will be jamming and creating playlist in no time!!  

Thanks so much for the explanation. Already subscribe to Qobuz and love it! I guess the m Connect I'll have to explore with the dealer. When all is said and done, hoping I can use the Laptop (on a table next to me) via Hard Wired Ethernet to stream qobuz?   Just spitballing as we speak. Thanks