Esoteric Players: No Digital Input. WTF?

Am I the only one who wonders WTF Esoteric is thinking with not putting a digital input on their high-end players? (ie. the X03 SE)

I would love to have the option to try out an Esoteric player, but no digital input means no deal for me, as I sometimes play CDs, and sometimes send in computer audio. (Itunes can now be seamlessly controlled with an Iphone BTW)

Where is the digital input Esoteric? Why is it missing?
11-25-08 Dcstep writes:
I wonder sometimes is Esoteric and Emm are worried about cutting into their separate DAC and clock sales. It's just something that pops into my mind as I consider various CD/SACD player options. When you're spending lots of money it's nice to get complete functionality out of all the parts.

The latest DAC2 Stereo D/A Converter from emmLabs has the following inputs: AES/EBU, USB Audio, SPDIF Coax, 2 x S/PDIF Toslink and the EMM Link.

Thank you Fplanner2000, I hope that Esoteric and others will unveil their newest server-compatible offerings at CES. . . it should be fun!

What does WTF mean?

Bad hair day
Over reaction

I know, a kool talker because that little F Word showes authority.
11-25-08: Tarsando said:
"Very, very few players have digital in. It's digital out that makes the most sense. Connect your ipod directly, wtf?"

Actually, you don't connect your iPod directly, instead you use a Wadia 170i to bypass the iPod's DAC and then run it into the digital-input of a high quality DAC. The results are amazingly good.

There are plenty of players with digital inputs. My thought, particularly when you get into the high-bucks range of Esoteric, Emm, Playback Designs, etc. I want to be able to use the included very nice DAC for a wide range of sources.

Eactly my point Metralla, a DAC2 is a DAC, not a CDP. We're talking about expensive CDPs lacking digital inputs.
