At what price is one considered an Audiophile.

Audiophilia, what is is it?

Is it the love of music or the equipment that presents the music.

Or is it both? 

What is the cost of admission?

How much does one have to spend on equipment to be considered an Audiophile, if it is truly the later than the music.

What has membership to this perceived exclusive club cost you?




Even what most would consider a modest system, it is nicer than anybody that I know so I figured that makes me a de facto audiophile amongst my friends. 

Post removed 

The cost argument is silly. When I was in my late teens I got a KLH Model 20 compact system because I knew it simply sounded better than any other inexpensive system. It just did. That approach has served me well over the decades and continues with my current heap that simply sounds great with components that are far from precious. You just have to listen to music and decide what sounds good, and judging by price is simply stupid.

I'll respond in a different way. When I brought my first good system back in 1979, nothing too fancy, but it sounded great (Marantz receiver, Advent speakers, Pioneer turntable with Shure M95 cart.) - you would call it a low-end audiophile system back then. It cost around 1200.00 (I don't remember the exact price, but that's close). Then with inflation,  a low-end but good sounding system today would be around $5K. And that would buy you a pretty good sounding system today. Not $400K good, but a system that would impress the average person, and even an audiophile. 

But on he other hand, I had friends who had an Empire Turntable or an AR, a Shure V15 or Micro Acoustic, and maybe JBL 100 Speakers or Mirage. Which would have cost 4 times what Mine did and therefore would today put you into $20K. And of course you could go much higher then that.

IF: makes you forget the day, and puts you into that 'zone' where you forget that you're experiencing devices and just enjoying the 'transport' you sought....

The price is irrelevant.

Ear buds off the cell, thru electrostat phones off the mains.

RatShack boxes from the garage sale driven by that 'vintage' from a friend, that led you to the 2nd mortgage stack in the basement with 'padded cell walls'....

You will spend what you want to

You will spend what you have to

You will spend what you shouldn't

Pick your level of commitment...

Get committed by your level of commitment....

"....just a little 'prick'......There......" *G* ;)

I've spent more, and less....$, that is....

The amount of time?

Can't put a number on that.....won't put one on it, either....


It follows me like a puppy....always ready to play....*s*