The self-bias cathode resistor lets you choose anything between 6L6, KT66, 6550, and KT88. So far, the KT88 is winning, but the KT66 is very good also. We're shipping them with a matched quad of KT88's, but the user can use any matched quad in that family ... including NOS unobtainium tubes if they choose, because the operating point allows a life in excess of 10,000 hours.
I was reflecting on this approach vs simply using them as output tubes. Thanks to the gain of the 300B's, they're only using 1/3 to 1/4 of their potential swing, and the 300B's completely isolate them from the speaker load. So the only "load" is the 60 pF Miller capacitance of the 300B grids, not a loudspeaker. This puts them in the most linear operating region since they are essentially unloaded triode-mode power tubes, very different than the heavily loaded Class AB ultralinear of classical Golden Age amplifiers.