Yay or Nay

Since I'm no expert I open this question to the floor.I own a Rega Apollo player hooked up to NAD C162-C272 combo with B&w 805S speakers. I was wondering if I added a Cambridge DAC Magic would I gain any better audible results out of my CD player or would I lose that distinct Rega sound which I really enjoy.
Thanks in advance
hi tvad:

i remember one of the basic tenets of human behavior, namely, do no harm. one should never assume anything, including definitions.

while i may have not shed any useful information regarding the topic of this thread, i have not introduced any ambiguity or done any harm.

it is perhaps a tad more time consuming to specify the nature of an improvement, than to use the word and not state what you mean.

implying that audiophiles understand what is meant by the word improvement is an opinion, which is both probably true and probably false.

since i am not an audiophile, have not been an audiophile and never will be one, perhaps you can enlighten me as to what you mean by "improvement". you will thus do a good deed and free me from my ignorance.
Post removed 
hi tvad:

here is an answer to the question posed in the threadL

the question can only be answered by the questioner, after a comparison of the two components in question have been auditioned for some duration.

all other answers are merely speculations, which expose the questioner to some risk, if a purchasing decision is made, without hands on experience.
Thanks for everyone's input on this subject. I understand that everyone's ears are different so the question is quite a nebulus one, but I did get the general feedback I was looking for and decided to not go forward with the DAC and just keep enjoying that "Rega Apollo " sound that I love