Another option to consider is open baffle, if you have the room. I am really enjoying the bass from my open baffle subs, and prefer the bass quality compared to the sealed and ported subs I have had in the past. To me, it sounds much more natural than box subs - smooth, clean and dynamic, without pressurizing the room and without the boxy resonances that many box subs have.
Open baffle subs have cancellation on the sides of the speaker, so fewer room modes are excited resulting in smoother in-room response. Also, since they don't pressurize the room, less bass energy escapes the room.
The downside is that the drivers have to work harder to compensate for the cancellation between the front and back wave. If you like to play loud and/or have a large space, you'll need multiple drivers to play deep. They also have to be placed at least 3 feet from the front wall (although they can be very close to the side walls).
I use a stereo pair, each with four 12" drivers in a tower configuration. This is overkill, but results in lower distortion and smoother response.
I've heard it stated that you can't get deep bass from an open baffle woofer. This just isn't the case. With Room EQ Wizard and a little bit of PEQ adjustment on the sub amps, I've measured flat response (within a couple DB) to below 20Hz, with the -3db point in the mid-teens. They can easily play WAY louder than I'd every want to play them.