How to use headphones with separates

Hi - does anyone have a suggestion on how I can listen to headphones on my system when I have a preamp and power amp and neither has a headphone jack?  Thanks in advance.


Yeah, as @ghdprentice mentioned you need a dedicated headphone amp you can feed from your preamp.  If you share your budget, what sound characteristics you’re looking for, and what headphones you’ll be using you’ll get some very helpful recommendations here. 

What I am having trouble understanding is that if I had “saved money” by buying an integrated amp, this would not be an issue.  Why?

Some stereo preamps and integrated amps have headphone amps built in and some don’t (separate amps don’t have headphone jacks), so you could’ve bought an integrated amp without a built-in headphone amp and still been in the same position you’re in now. Generally speaking, headphone amps built into preamps and integrated amps are not very high quality, underpowered, and often just an afterthought, so if you’re at all concerned with performance and/or have good headphones you’ll likely want a separate headphone amp. Hope this helps.

yes, long ago it seems all Preamps and Integrateds had headphone amps built in...for the most part, most built-in ones now are really just for the casual headphone user...the Belles Aria Preamps and Integrated Amps have high quality ones, really depends on your headphone needs...