ATC buying advice

Hi everyone,

I am planning on buying new speakers for a music room I am setting up, and would like some advice from people with experience with ATC--which is the brand I would like to buy the speakers from. I do like to buy extras like an additional preamp and sub from the same brand if possible.

The room is around 48 m2 and 3m high and has no soundproofing, bass traps or anything. I just want to start with a setup that is simple for a starting enthusiast and will be appropriate for the size of the room. That's why I am leaning towards active speakers, such as the ATC SCM40A. Budget isn't really an issue but I do want to keep it relatively simple to start with.

So, I have a few things to figure out, taking the ATC SCM40A as a starting point:
- Pre-amp. The setup will also include a Rega P10/Aphelion2, and I've been looking at the Rega Aura preamp too. But I have no experience with this and don't know if a ATC SCA2 or CDA2 might be a better option (I do like the integrated cd-player of the CDA2);
- ATC SCM40A vs SCM50ASL (Pro) / ATC SCM50ASLT or higher. I understand I will have to listen to multiple speakers and audition preferably in my room, but purely based on your experience and the fact I will use the speakers for home listening. What's your take? I do like the look of the 40 towers in satin black, and know the pro's are less-refined looking. But ultimately it's the sound that matters most. If that means I have to go for the 100's or 150's, so be it.
- Subwoofer. Based on whether I will go for an 40A or up, do you think it would be preferable to go for a subwoofer? I read a lot and the opinions vary and it comes down to personal preference. I do like some bass, but I mostly listen to rock, classical and soundtracks. If I'd go for a sub, would single C1 Sub Mk2 suffice, or would you opt for 2/3 or the C4?
- Cables. What cables do you recommend for my DAP, TT and the rest? Again, I am inexperienced in this and open to suggestions.

All advise is welcome!


Given the 100s may be too large for your space, I wouldn’t hesitate to go with the 50s and a pair of good subs (IMHO you’d still want subs with the 100s anyway as they only go down to the mid 30Hz range).  The subs will help you better manage the bass in your room and go much lower than either the 50s or 100s giving you a more full-range experience, which is not a small performance boost.  Also, if you share what sound characteristics are most important to you you can get some very good preamp recommendations here to help narrow your choices quite a bit and make your search much more manageable and less daunting.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

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I recently purchased the SCM40s (passive, driven by Benchmark AHB2) and I think the low frequency response (45Hz) is under-spec-ed by ATC. Due to their sealed cabinet design, I was able to place them closer to the rear wall and dial-in the desired low end.

Room treatments are a good investment as mentioned. I use corner bass traps, first reflection point baffles, as well as a ceiling baffle.

The 40s are very musical speakers. The soundstage is wide and detailed, and the output is dynamic and revealing. Whichever model you choose, I’m pretty sure you’ll have an excellent experience.

Best, JAMES.

Not as an owner but my experience is the SCM50 is a more special representation of ATC then the SCM40. There is big difference.

Owner of both ATC 40A and ATC 50A.  ATC 40A is wonderful.  Lived with them for 3 years.  ATC 50A is a whole 'nother all of the right ways.  ATC 50A floor stander is more dynamic, throws a larger sound stage and of course deeper bass with a larger woofer and a ported enclosure.  You see deeper into the music.

I've run several preamps and settled on the Luxman 900u.  I've also run the Sugden LA 4 to great affect.  My experience is that very good tube preamps were not fast enough, so I have stayed with solid state.  I do have the ATC SCA2 preamp which is quite good, but not as refined as the other two mentioned.

As far as cabling, the system took a big leap with Chris Romeo cables he custom built for me.  XLR to XLR from preamp to speakers.  The speakers also benefit from Townshend Podiums.

This speaker is my endgame speaker for the foreseeable future.  Hope this helps.